General Information
The population of Farragut is approximately 498.
The approximate number of families is 229.
The amount of land area in Farragut is 0.945 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Farragut to Washington DC is 1021 statute miles.
The distance to the Iowa state capital is 115 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
Farragut is positioned 40.71 degrees north of the equator and 95.48 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Located in Fremont County, Iowa
The population of Shenandoah is approximately 5,572.
The approximate number of families is 2,591.
The amount of land area in Shenandoah is 8.097 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Shenandoah to Washington DC is 1015 statute miles.
The distance to the Iowa state capital is 108 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
Shenandoah is positioned 40.75 degrees north of the equator and 95.36 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Located in Page County, Iowa
Farragut City Hall: (712) 385-8660
Shenandoah City Hall: (712) 246-1213
Fremont County Courthouse (Sidney, IA): (712) 374-2631
Page County Courthouse (Clarinda, IA): (712) 542-3214
Shenandoah Police: (712) 246-3512
Fremont County Sheriff: (712) 374-2424
Page County Sheriff: (712) 542-5193
Shenandoah Community Schools(K-12): (712) 246-1581
Iowa Western Community College-Shenandoah Center: (712) 246-1499
Shenandoah Medical Clinic (712) 246-7400
Chamber of Commerce / Economic Development:
Shenandoah Chamber and Industry Association: (712) 246-3455
Labor and Employment
Iowa Workforce Development Center: (712) 246-4470
Shenandoah Chamber and Industry Association: (712) 246-3455